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Ginger Root is a Wellness Cheat Code

This flowery plant native to South Asia contains powerful anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols, which have been shown to reduce the formation of free radical nitric oxide when it promotes inflammation, and to inhibit the development of inflammatory compounds. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it’s often used to help relieve muscle and joint pain, including arthritis. Ginger Tea is also the perfect drink to sip after a heavy meal. It can help calm your stomach and stave off bloating and gas.

The medicinal use of Ginger goes back 5000 years when it was considered a tonic to treat all ailments in ancient China and in India. Long used for culinary and medicinal purposes, ginger can be consumed fresh, in powder form, as an oil or juice, as a dried spice or used in tinctures, extracts, or taken by capsule or lozenge.

Ginger contains curcumin, which is an important antioxidant and antibacterial compound, and scientists made it possible to isolate this particular compound and use it to beat allergies, asthma, cancer, depression and many other major diseases.

Ginger for Athletes

Ginger can help with delayed-onset muscle soreness,” says Jim White, R.D. who points to a study in the Journal of Pain that showed ginger acting as a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory without the negative side effects of normal pain relievers. Ginger is better at treating delayed onset muscle soreness, White says, because it doesn’t affect pain immediately after it’s consumed, but is actually more effective the next day.

It‘s been show elite athletes use ginger before, during and after training due to the high energy properties. Studies show that ginger is a cardiotonic due to the fact that it elevates the strength of the heart by supplying a calcium-dense nutrient directly to the heart muscle cells. It Relieves Muscle Soreness.

A study in the Journal of Pain in 2010 showed that ginger may help reduce muscle soreness. Taking 2 grams of fresh ginger, about 1 1/2 teaspoons, per day may help you have less delayed onset muscle soreness. You can also use crystallized ginger if you prefer. If you're going into an intense training period, take 2 grams of ginger per day for at least a week and see if you feel less sore. The research on ginger and muscle soreness is not clear, but unless there is a reason for you to avoid ginger, you can try it and see if you notice a difference in how you feel.


  • Prevents Cold. Ginger is rich in vitamin C which is a vital vitamin essential to maintaining and strengthening your immune system. In conjunction with other concentrated vitamins and mineral found in ginger, your body will be well equipped to fight cold/flu viruses and bacteria. Ginger mimics fever by increasing your body temperature to kill off the virus and quietly excrete it through sweat or urine. So, when you feel the sniffles coming on, remember to chew some ginger to stop it in its tracks

  • Blood Sugar. Ginger works in partnership with insulin to regulate sugar levels in the body. High sugar levels are the root cause of type 2 diabetes and other related diseases. People suffering from this condition would benefit greatly from the potent power of ginger. It works by increasing the sensitivity of insulin and controls the glycemic index of food eaten.

  • Weight Loss. Ginger naturally increases your metabolism. Research suggests that it activates the natural fat burning receptors by increasing the thermogenesis which leads to an increase in burning calories. Therefore, with proper exercise and diet, adding ginger would boost your weight loss goals and prompt your body to switch into a fat burning mode and burn more fat quicker.

  • Skin Health. Apart from the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect of ginger, it protects the skin from damage usually caused by the sun. It helps to increase the production of collagen due to its high vitamin C content and increase blood flow to the skin surface for a healthier looking skin.

How to make Ginger Tea:


  • 2 tablespoons ginger root (fresh, raw, about 2 inches of ginger root)

  • 1 1/2 to 2 cups Water

  • 1 to 2 tablespoons raw honey (or agavenectar)

  • Optional: 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice (juice of 1/2 lime)

Instructions for preparing tea:

First, prepare the fresh ginger by peeling

it and slicing it thinly to maximize the

surface area. This will help you make a

very flavorful ginger tea. Boil the ginger in water for at least 10 minutes. For a stronger and tangier tea, allow to boil for 20 minutes or more, and use more slices of ginger. Remove it from the heat and add the lime juice and honey (or agave nectar) to taste and enjoy your ginger tea.

Arguably, ginger is the king of all spices and you would certainly get an abundant return on your investment if you start eating it. Make sure you add ginger to your daily diet maintain adequate intake. Above all, ginger would keep you healthy and strong as an ox!


As a service to my readers, Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

Thank you very much for taking time to read.

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